In junior high school, while the rest of my classmates were becoming interested in boys (or girls, as the case may be) and going to dances and making sure their jeans were pegged perfectly and their hair stick-straight, I was baking chocolate eclairs and cream-filled sugar wafers. By high school I was on to chocolate-dipped brandy snaps, dutch chocolate-mint cheesecake and Texas sheet cake (still my favorite).

After college I moved on to Weight Watchers (a 2-year stint in New Orleans did not help matters - have I mentioned
beignets yet? See picture to the left.), and I started baking in moderation, combined with healthy eating and loads of fresh produce.
Now, after a husband, two kids and five years in Vermont, I have come to appreciate the flavor, nutrition and economic benefits of eating locally. In six days I pick up my first box of produce and locally-made products (will it be bread...? Eggs...? Chicken stock...? Ohhh, I can't wait!) from the
CSA (community supported agriculture) farm share my family is participating in this summer. I look forward to sharing my experiences and recipes here over the next few months.
Yeah! So glad to have you in the "Cooking Away My CSA" Challenge. Thanks for signing up!
ReplyDeleteYay! Looking forward to the CSA Challenge and beyond!
ReplyDeleteY'know, I'm always a willing test subject for new recipes ;-)